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Spasswd 0.1.3 Rar Exe Windows Full Version 32 Cracked

spasswd is a library for building dialogue-based web apps. It'll come in handy when you need to write conversations at any time, but especially when developing role playing games in the browser. Current Version: 0.1.3 0.1. 3 is a bugfix release that updates SpasswD with some fixes to the configuration system. It also includes a new feature to let you choose which attributes are converted to HTML5.0, so if you have any issues with the older versions or want to use Spasswd for projects that don't use HTML5.0, this release is for you! The latest released version of spasswd is 0.1.3 Installation spasswd is simple to install, just save the code in spasswd.js into your project directory and include it on your page. Conversion Options In order to convert the attributes into HTML5.0 style tags, Spasswd uses a fairly complex system that relies on different attributes being added to your custom tags. To begin writing HTML5.0-based dialogues, simply add the 'html5=' parameter to one of your attributes and set it equal to a Boolean value of 'true' or 'false'. For instance: will convert the attribute into an HTML5 tag, while will result in a normal attribute. Spasswd uses the presence of the 'html5=' attribute to determine if it should attempt to convert your attributes into HTML5.0 tags. Exporting Options So that Spasswd can export your dialogue into a usable format you must tell it how to do so by setting up some configuration options in the "spasswd" object. There are several options you can choose for configuring this object, but the only required option is 'dest'. The 'dest' option tells spasswd where it can find its output files and where they will be written. Spasswd supports the following options to define the output destination. The 'dest' option can have the following values. Spasswd handles most of the requirements for direct support with HTML5, but still provides some options that are not yet implemented in HTML5 or do not exist at all. Developed by Stephen Burdett - Development blog is on Twitter - Development is on github - Spasswd article on howtogeek - http://www. cfa1e77820

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